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Trivia Nation 1.1 Update »May 20, 2009 5:14:24 PM

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Big news from Trivia Nation on a couple fronts, first off espnnate just broke jwj423's round highscore of a 943 with a whooping 957!!! We thought it was gonna be much longer before anyone ever broke the 950 point mark but it has happened. espnnate said he found another method for answering the questions which makes him even quicker. jwj423 if you are out there espnnate just raised the bar.

Secondly the new update 1.1 has launched so check it out now and let us know what you think. We have built out the highscores into round and total, and clicking on a username brings up their gamer card. Questions are added almost everyday and trust us, there won't be a shortage there. Look out for the next post, we might be revealing something then... (hint it has to do with an insane number of questions). Reddit TwitThis Facebook StumbleUpon Mixx Technorati Google


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